About this display
The Education Quad at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is home to a schools and colleges representing all five health-related disciplines. Here, nearly 5,000 students pursue fulfilling careers as physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, public health experts, biomedical researchers and more. Teaching and learning is all about collaboration, and our faculty encourage CU Anschutz students to engage in hands-on opportunities that span disciplines and diseases to make the most of their education.
Benefactors on this display
Plaques displayed in the Education II South building represent the incredible dedication of our benefactors to education. From scholarships to lectureships and educational programs, these gifts create valuable opportunities for the next generation of leaders in health.

Benefactors on this display
About this display
Plaques displayed in the Education II South building represent the incredible dedication of our benefactors to education. From scholarships to lectureships and educational programs, these gifts create valuable opportunities for the next generation of leaders in health.
The Education Quad at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is home to a schools and colleges representing all five health-related disciplines. Here, nearly 5,000 students pursue fulfilling careers as physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, public health experts, biomedical researchers and more. Teaching and learning is all about collaboration, and our faculty encourage CU Anschutz students to engage in hands-on opportunities that span disciplines and diseases to make the most of their education.