Welcome to the CU Anschutz Virtual Benefactor Recognition Tour

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About this display

The Research Quad at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is centered on innovation and discovery. Our faculty are at the forefront of innovation – pioneering new medical devices, pharmaceuticals, diagnostic methods and therapeutics and improving quality of life for many worldwide. We are proud to have a long history and track record of creating new knowledge that has made a difference in countless lives.

Benefactors on this display

Plaques displayed in the Research I North building recognize gifts made in support of innovative research initiatives and programmatic funds. Philanthropic investments in research and other programs on our campus expand opportunities for our world-renowned physician-scientists who work hard every day to transform the future of medicine and health care.

Benefactors on this display

About this display

Plaques displayed in the Research I North building recognize gifts made in support of innovative research initiatives and programmatic funds. Philanthropic investments in research and other programs on our campus expand opportunities for our world-renowned physician-scientists who work hard every day to transform the future of medicine and health care.

The Research Quad at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus is centered on innovation and discovery. Our faculty are at the forefront of innovation – pioneering new medical devices, pharmaceuticals, diagnostic methods and therapeutics and improving quality of life for many worldwide. We are proud to have a long history and track record of creating new knowledge that has made a difference in countless lives.

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